Mark as Premium Listing Price for 1 month is 200/-
The highlight listing Price for 1 month is 200/-
Premium Listing (Make your listing unique on the home and search page!) The price for 36 months is 7200/-
Highlight listing (Make listing more visible and attract more people!) the price for 36 Months is 7200/-
Here Total Price for 36 months "Premium Listing + Highlight Listing" will be 14400/-
After 86.11% Discount, Your "Premium Listing + Highlight Listing" Price for 36 Months is Only 1999/-
You will pay for 1-year Premium Listing and get Highlight listing free for 36 Months.
After the discount, your classified listing price will be for 53/- INR per month.
Highlight Classified Listing:- This option allows attracting the visitor’s attention to your ads. The background of your ad becomes highlighted. The duration of the option would be for 3 Years.
Mark as Premium Listing:- Premium mark will be shown on your classified listing. The item will get much more views and this promotes a more rapid view. The duration of the said option would be for 3 years.
(You Listing will be Top Listings on Home Page, Latest Ads Page, Category Page, Sub Category Page, Offered Ads and Wanted Ads Page, Price Page, Country Page, City Page)